Our Forklift Certification training is valid throughout the USA and Canada or any other country that uses OSHA to govern safety training. The Forklift Certification meets all the OSHA requirements for the Powered Industrial Truck ( Forklift). The Forklift Certification needs to be renewed every 3 years. If an employee is involved in a Forklift accident the employee MUST complete a refresher course of the training.
Yes! Our forklift certification online training is OSHA compliant and is valid for 3 years. Some companies are offering a Forklift Certification for 1 year and they charge less money. That’s illegal! By law the Forklift Certification is valid for 3 years, so our Forklift Certification training is valid for 3 years.
One of the most important documents for you to show to your employer or future employer is the wallet card with your name on it. By carrying your wallet card, you are showing to your employer or future employer that you completed the forklift certification training and that you are meeting OSHA regulations. Also, the training includes several documents and forms you need to print and present to your employer or future employer.
The forklift certification that Forklift Academy offers, includes not only a test but several other documents. The certification includes a power point presentation, permit to operate documentation, safety operating rules, inspection sheet, a movie and the test.
The Following Are Vehicles That Are Covered By The Standard:
High lift trucks
Counterbalanced trucks
Cantilevered trucks
Rider trucks
Forklift trucks
High lift platform trucks
Low lift trucks
Low lift platform trucks
Motorized hand trucks
Pallet trucks
Narrow aisle rider trucks
Straddle trucks
Reach rider trucks
Single side loader rider trucks
High lift order picker rider trucks
Motorized hand/rider trucks
Rough terrain truck
This Certification MEETS OSHA regulations and is recognized in the USA and Canada.
Yes, the Training meets OSHA and Cal-OSHA requirements and can be use by any type of company in the industry.
The certification will last for 3 years. Forklift operators must renew every 3 years.
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